Monday, 28 November 2005

Tonight's prom. I don't feel the excitment. How? Dunno. Marcus was telling me the other day about different bases boys have:

Base 1: French kiss with lotsa tongue action
Base 2: Touching
Base 3: Heavy petting
Base 4: My little brother gets to see a little something!

He told me not to blog about this. I promised I will. What can stop me? Nothing! xD

Had a chat with Aaron last night. The poor chap was talking to me at wee hours(2-3am) when he needed to be awake by 5am. Poor thing huh. NOT MY FAULT OK. I needed to shower and he wanted to talk to me so badly.

Ok la ok la ok la my fault la I took half an hour to shower! *drop dead*

farking off~RYNETTA

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