Tuesday 15 November 2005


You are the dragon. A dragon,
in western lore, is a giant lizard with wings.
It usually has the capability to breathe fire.
The dragon symbolizes immense power, physical
strength, and courage. The dragon has also been
a symbol of wisdom and of protection. Dragons
may also appear to be greedy as many a tale
depict them as keepers of vast hordes of

Which mythical creature resides in your soul? (11 Results + Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla


You are the Angel of Wonder. You love seeking out
new knowledge, and spreading it to other
people. You are very smart, but modest about
it, and people often come to you for advice.
You can be shy at times, and you love silence,
but you value your friends a lot. You are
amazed easily, and very observant, appriciating
even the smallest of details.

What are you the Angel of?
brought to you by Quizilla

farking off~RYNETTA

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