Wednesday 28 December 2005

Sherry tagged me. Thanks ar. Lucky I didn't take too long to pick out five super random facts about me. Now I have to think of who to tag. I'll think while I list out the facts. I shall do the Sherry way. List the fact and explain.

1. I have SUPER weird habits. When I'm bored I do alot of different things. I can start biting my lips, play with my fingerNAILS or tap my fingers to a random rythm in my head. I may look like I'm panicing but in actual fact I have nothing to do. That's actually one of the reasons why my nails are rarely long. Once I play with them, they chip of, so I cut ALL of them. Sadness, right? Left.(I learnt that from you, Lyndon. xD)

2. I can't live without make up. If I'm going shopping or meeting some one in the public(like in orchard or in parkway), my eye make up wil be darn heavy. The other parts of my face(cheeks/lips) will depend on the occassion. Even if I were to meet someone for a chat or a coffee, I'll still apply pimple cream(or foundation although I haven't applied foundation for ages since my pimple cream looks like foundation). That's how serious the addiction is. =\

3. I HATE crowds. When I plan to go shopping, I rarely plan on weekends(unless I've got blardy school) 'cos the streets will be sooooo crowded it pisses me off. I'm very very impatient so crowds are a turn off. Especially when they're kids running around. That pisses me worse. I can even go beserk in crowds.

4. I sing in the shower. Nope, I ain't ashamed of it. I'd rather sing and entertain myself while I'm showering. Better than just standing there, scrubbing yourself and do NOTHING right? So I sing different songs according to my mood. =)

5. I get pissed(at people) easily but forget easily too. It takes alot for me to be pissed with you for long. Like I can flare up all of a sudden and scream my top at you or sms foul-ly but the next day I'll start to be calm again. Maybe that's what my friends can't stand about me. *shrugs* About the "takes alot for me to be pissed with you for long" is for real. So far I've only disliked one person for veeeeery long. My cousin Germaine loh.

Time to tag five people. Uh.....



3. Yi Qing? ^^

4. Abiagil!

5. Jazzzzzzzzzreel ^^

The rules ARE: You have to think of five random facts about yourself, THEN pick five people(with blogs). The five people you choose will be the people who have to list five random facts of themselves in their blog. You'll have to inform them that you've picked them so they will know ^^. Get it? Yes? Good. Alright back to tv-watching.

Actually I went shopping with Mummy today. Got alot of cosmetics and toiletries. We bought sooooo much that we had FOUR free bags. HIONG AR!

farking off~RYNETTA

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