Sunday, 11 December 2005

I had a terribly weird dream...this morning(I slept at 2am). The dream goes as such:

I was out with my cousins(Germaine and Jojo; don't ask me why) and my parents and we were on our way home in daddy's terribly old mercedece(although it's gone now). Daddy decided to bring us to a coffeeshop for lunch; chicken rice. In the car, I was sms-ing my boyfriend. Who? I don't know. Cannot remember(I'm single in real life btw). Then when we entered the coffeeshop, the coffeeshop owner turned out to be the boss of the shop opposite my third aunt's shop in real life. The lady boss, recognising me, said the meal was on her. She brought out ALOT of meat. From char siew, to duck, to chicken to roasted meat. She kept urging me to eat more. The boss, at the kitchen, kept winking at me(damn irritating). Mummy said: "She dote on you alot hor?"

Then I was waken up by mummy's scream. "DE XIN! WAKE UP!" But the weird enough hor? =\

farking off~RYNETTA

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