Thursday, 13 October 2005

I so wanted to blog about why girls are anorexic but, sigh, let's drop that topic. It gave me a terrible headache. Not anorexia, but the topic. I don't suffer from anoerixa, thank God.

I sat in for E maths tuition today and saw Landice walk by the classroom. OH SHITS I FORGOT ABOUT PHYSICS EXTRA LESSONS! Now which do you prefer?

1. You're good at maths and E maths tuitions are very boring because the guys in the tuition are gay.
2. You're not as good in physics as in maths and physics tuition is much more interesting with more people to interact with.

Which one? Of course physics tuition right! So ya. Chatted with those peeps for a while before going back for e maths tuition. Sian-ness.

Been moody for the whole day. Bad bad bad. EXCEPT for the few minutes I spent chatting with those physics tuition peeps.

farking off~ICE

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