Sunday 30 October 2005

I Love The Word Fark and It's None of Your Business

Why, thank you, Sean Lee. Whether or not you're my cousin, I don't give a Fark.

"bloggers...getting punished for inflammatory comments on the blog.better be careful about what u say.even if u are spreading God's word on people's blog. some random blog people ask ur to f***, the end of the world is near.haha.check this out."

why, THANKS, again. You've made my counter tick a little! You know how I found out you're my cousin? Firstly, your name. Sean Lee. Oh sheesh what a...boring name. But hey, it suits a boring person like you. Secondly, your birthday. 12 Feb 1989. How does it feel like to be a dragon baby flying around zillions of snake babies? I bet you feel like a goldfish. And that doesn't suit a boring person like you because boring people ain't supposed to be outstanding.

Everytime you visit my house or ocassions where I have to see your stinking face, I stoned out. Why? Because you're this fat ass trying to act cool with you "deep voice" like you're damn hot and sexy. Oh God firstly, you're not hot, you're FAT. Secondly, you're not sexy, you're still FAT.

What inflammatory comments am I posting, may I know? Something like this? Why don't you go home and cry to your mum about what I wrote about you. Thank God I'm leaving for Australia. Who wants to see your stinking face?

What word of God's am I spreading? And what's wrong with asking people like YOU to Fark off? This is MY blog and MY freedom of speech. If you're not happy, you're so not freakin' welcomed.

I thank you again for making my counter tick a WHOLE LOT by now. What childish and lousy blog you have.


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