Saturday, 23 December 2006


Heh the last time I blogged, I forgot to upload pictures. =P But I only took three pictures at Eng Kwan's house.

Eng Kwan's dog, King!

The guys playing Taboo before I became the judge. LtoR: Sean, Sing Chang (the ham guy lol), Jacob and Eng Kwan.

Yesterday night I was at Greatgrandma's house celebrating her birthday. God heard my prayers and answered them. x) Thank you, Lord.

There were LOTS of good food from Uncle Kheing Sin's restaurant and the cafe Germaine took over. The food consist of sushis (omg I so loved the California soft shelled crab one), sashimi, and some seafood. I loved the cheese mussels the MOST. I ate till I felt more than just bloated!!!

Everyone was there. Greatgrandma's three children, many many grandchildren and close to 10 greatgrandchildren. Let me count...There were a total of 36 people, including Greatgrandma and me.

I didn't take any pictures of the food but I took lots of pictures while the cake was out!

Greatgrandma and her humongous cake =D

You can easily tell not everyone could fit into one photo =D.

Everyone busy dealing with the cake lol.

The very happy Greatgrandma =).

You probably can't see it properly from here but my eye bags were terribly terribly big/black/whateveryoucallit. Heh.

And Grandma says, "De Xin! You take what!" in chinese xD.

Greatgrandma, Grandma and her offsprings.
Standing up LtoR: Uncle Alan, Aunt Siew Khim, Daddy, Mummy, Samantha, Aunt Michelle, Me, Uncle Kheing Sin, Aunt Siew Luan, Uncle Ming Guang, Jojo, Uncle Andy.
Sitting down LtoR: Aunt Siew Hua, Ernest, Grandma, Greatgrandma, Aunt Siew Keow, Germaine.

The very happy Greatgrandma again, this time with her cake.

Jojo and Grandma. Grandma said the very same words lol.

Greatgrandma having her cake =).

The gift Mummy got from Aunt Siew Hua. I love the packaging man haha looks so super sweet =).

Uncle Andy almost couldn't recognise me. I haven't seen him in ages either 'cos he went India for work. I had TWO slices of cake. The durian cake was just too good to resist man. The durian cream puff was awesome too!

signing off~DE XIN

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