Work has been ok, yadah yadah yadah. Cut down on intake but still quite...bleargh. Gained a total of 2kg 'cos of work. NOT HAPPY. Aunty and Ah Niu kept asking me to teach them how to bake. NOT DIFFICULT WHAT. Just search the net and follow step by step....done!Or maybe it's just because I have a passion so I find it fun. *shrugs*
THE AUTHOR OF THIS BLOG, which is none other than Chia De Xin, BAKED AGAIN. The title of the recipe says "Blackberry Coffee Cake" but...both Daddy and I couldn't taste a tinge of coffee in it. Maybe they THOUGHT cinnamon tasted like coffee but being coffee addicts, both Daddy and I didn't think likewise.
Coffee issue aside, LOOK AT THE BLACKBERRIIIEEEEES!!!!!!!!!! Yumyumyumyumyum!!! I didn't like the icing and the presentation. Daddy said it was goooood but I'd didn't meet my expectations. BUT it's still ok la. Ok, fine, it was quite good. I need to stop being so demanding.
Went for CG today. I was THIRD. Haha. After Yihui and Kezia. We were supposed to pray as a CG but Steven went on and on about how inappropriate it was so we ended up discussing about how prayers can benifit us as a CG.Karl and Kezia went to Kallang's Mac's drive through. I had 20 pieces of chicken mcnuggets. Maybe not 20. About 18. I DON'T KNOW LA. Kezia didn't get her apple pie. Stupid Macs. Gah.Audrey sent me home. Thanks Audrey! *grins*
By the way, did you realise the picture of the whole cake had one slice that's broken? Daddy's fault. He took one slice and broke the other. Made me eat the broken slice. THANKS AR. Lol.
signing off~DE XIN
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