The first cake was a failure though. 'Cos I added too much water. Mummy told me when I first tried baking my bake was too dry. HAHA so totally opposite man!
Check this cake mixture out! It is made from scratch ok! No cake mix!
Look at that fudge frosting maaaaan. Made from scratch too! I haven't tried it. Will try either tomorrow or Monday. Hopefully it's good! =D
Went out today with Wei Xian. To have GLUTINOUS RICE BALLS! OH YEAH! Haha. We had pasta first though. I had Vongole. Was quite light. Then had SIX glutinous rice balls. Three peanut, three sesame. AWESOME.Then we went to Parkway because I wanted to get shorts from Giant while Wei Xian wanted to get frozen mixed vegetables. BUT I couldn't find the shorts in Giant. The frozen mixed vegetables were also too small in Giant. So we went down to Cold Storage.OHOH PASTA MANIA HAS NEW DISHES. I'm so gonna go there one day man!Parkway basement seems to be having this food fair thingy. There was this durian stall. Durian cheese cake, durian puff, durian EVERYTHING! Wa lao. But I'm pretty sure I'm gonna miss those food. All thanks to WORK. Sian.
Alrighty. I'm off! Quite unhappy with some people. Argh.
Do I stand a chance all over again?
signing off~DE XIN
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