Thursday, 16 November 2006


You Give Good Advice ... Sometimes
When it comes to advice, you usually have something helpful to contribute.However, there's been times when your advice was a bit wacky!No matter what, though, your heart is always in the right place.

You Are 50% Fake
You realize that beauty is sometimes an illusion, and you're okay with that.And even though you're a little fake, the real you still shines through.

You Are a Martini
Truly classy and refined, you drink like a lady.You know how to hold your liquor, and you always keep your composure.And you demand the same in a guy - especially if he can remain a gentleman while drunk.You prefer to date successful men, who can pay for your quality drinks.

You Are A Pretty Good Date!
You're kind, considerate, and usually a great dateOccasionally, you slip up - but who doesn't?Just make sure to keep everything light and friendlyAnd you'll be asked out again in no time

You Should Wear Dark Rose Lip Gloss
Sophisticated, classy, and timeless.

signing off~DE XIN

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