Wednesday, 26 November 2008


SURPRISE! I've actually reached the limit of 1GB worth of picture uploading. I NEVER knew this would happen! And this happened over the span of 3 years. I was checking the rates for the different premium plans and the cheapest (10GB) was US$20!

I need some help here > <.

If my estimations are right, it will take me another 30 years to use up that 10GB. Problem is, I DON'T HAVE A CREDIT CARD! I DON'T EVEN HAVE A DEBIT MASTER CARD!!!!! Is someone willing to lend me their credit card or debit mater card details? I'm willing to pay the full amount at the current exchange rate first before the transaction goes through. And at the time of transaction, if the exchange rate changes in a way where I have to pay more, I'll top up that extra amount. If the exchange rate changes in a way where I have to pay less, I will not ask for a refund! Not even a single cent!

Please please please any friend out there willing to help?????

Anyways, with the remaining 1MB left of picture uploading, I've uploaded 3 webcam pictures.
Yeah my hair colour! Instead of all purple (like what I did the last time), I left some blonde. I quite like it. This time it's BRIGHT purple, not that maroony purple I had the first time =_=.

Okok, till then (when I find some kind soul who can help me out)!

signing off~DE XIN

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