Friday, 4 May 2007


Things that have been happening: I mistook my physics practice class timing for my economics tutorial timing. In other words, instead of going for my economics tutorial on Wednesday at 4pm and physics practice class on Thursday at 2pm, I went for my physics practice class on WEDNESDAY at 2pm and missed my tutorial at 4pm the very same day.

Only found out that very night. Had to go for a economics tutorial make up on Thursday 1-2pm. Decided to skip my physics practice class at 2pm. No point going hah. Especially when the attendance is normally only..what? 10%?

NEXT, there wasn't supposed to be any physics lab today because of the test held on the Wednesday that just passed. BUT I happily walked all the way to the physics lab today only to realise there's no lab session upon reaching. Had to walk all the way back home again. SIAN.

What's happening to me?!?!?! Is it because of the amount of assignments and mid-sem tests/exam??? Let's count. Ever since Easter break, I've handed in 4 assignments, had one exam and 3 tests. ALL IN THREE WEEKS! I've still got two more assignments (one due next tuesday, another due on the 17th of May) and two more tests (one on the 14th and the other on the 16th). HOW?!

Zion leaders' meeting (ZLM) was good. Learnt lotsa stuff. Was quite depressed, though, because...BECAUSE I just failed a math test (8/20) and I'm destined to fail the physics test I just took two days ago. I'm serious! I only knew like...10% of the paper.

Decided to take a break and went jogging (as said earlier). Which obviously didn't work seeing how I've been mistaking lesson timings. But I do feel a lot fresher these days. Jogged on Wednesday and just now. 4km each. Half an hour per 4km. Need to go further!

ANYWAYS, back to where I was, Max, Wei Jun and I went out for dinner together after ZLM. Well, not exactly together lol 'cos Wei Jun and I went to Fast Ed's to get take away while Max drove down to Debbie's place to return her phone. Wei Jun got burgers and milkshakes for Max and himself. I got a HUGE apple pie. Happy!

Another week's gone by just like that. Which is good! 'Cos it means Singapore's getting nearer! Not distance wise. You know what I mean.

Ok. Cell's in 2 hours' time. We're going to metrochurch tonight! Woo! How cool! Tomorrow...going Northbridge with Mummy again. Icy Ice here I come!

signing off~DE XIN

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