Wednesday 14 February 2007


And did I forget to mention I cried for almost TWO HOURS and even cried myself to sleep? EVEN after praying to God?

I think I didn't.

Woke up with damn puffy eyes. With Mummy thinking I'm anorexic. Like SHUTUP, man, I'm not in the mood.

No, I'm not feeling any better. Not even after "a good night's rest". I still feel like crying. If not for Mummy's presence.

Oh and you know what? I BET no one would even bother read the second last post on what presents I want. I BET no one would even bother read my wishlist. Even if they actually bothered, I HIGHLY DOUBT anyone's gonna even get anything for me.

So much for having given so many presents to so many "friends".

signing off~DE XIN

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