Thursday, 30 October 2008

Looking at all the birthday celebrations around me. I don't know. Honestly, I'm prepared to expect nothing this year. And maybe the next. And maybe forever. I mean, it's normal already, isn't it? Year after year. Yeah. I'm numb about birthdays already. Birthdays. Who cares? Mine's not important.


Anonymous said...

the reason you'd say it's not important is because it's a big deal, is it not?

People will celebrate for you.

De Xin said...

anonymous - It'd be great if you left your name or something. It is, in fact, a big deal to me but since no friends celebrate for me I guess I'll just have to let it pass like always.

Anonymous said...

it is a big deal, birthdays are a big deal.
you won't be forgotten to friends & family k!
happy birthday to youuuu:)
cheerie cheerie up!
im super early i know. laughs
maelstromic ak

the anonymous person so fierce...

De Xin said...

Haha I know I won't be forgotten by my family but friends I don't know. Thanks, though =) Lol it's really uber early. Haha. *hugs*