THE PONY CLUB A few of us (Mishi, Wei Xian, Wei Xian's mum, Mummy and I) went to The Pony Club for dinner on Friday night. =) 

1. The menu. [taken by Wei Xian]
2. My duck leg with field mushrooms, crushed olives and I-don't-know-what. Nobody figured that out. [Me]
3. Mummy's spiced chicken with orange couscous and yoghurt sauce. [Me]
4. Mishi's Truffled honey with feta cheese and crostini. [Me]
5. Wei Xian's mum's lamb wrapped in something with roasted pumpkins. [Me]
6. Wei Xian's dates with cheese wrapped in proscuitto. [Me]

1. Wei Xian's white chocolate and custard with chocolate mousse. [Me]
2. Mishi's fried something with super dark chocolate dipping sauce. [Me]
3. Wei Xian's blahblahblah in the foreground, Mishi making funny faces in the background. [My idea, Wei Xian' shot, 'cos my shot was blur.]
4. Mummy's and my orange and date pudding. We ordered two. One each. It was heavenly but I thought Hyatt's was still the ultimate best. [Me]
Forgot to take pictures with Wei Xian's mum! But oh wells. It was still a good dinner. Especially when the desserts came! Oh yeah!
2. My duck leg with field mushrooms, crushed olives and I-don't-know-what. Nobody figured that out. [Me]
3. Mummy's spiced chicken with orange couscous and yoghurt sauce. [Me]
4. Mishi's Truffled honey with feta cheese and crostini. [Me]
5. Wei Xian's mum's lamb wrapped in something with roasted pumpkins. [Me]
6. Wei Xian's dates with cheese wrapped in proscuitto. [Me]
2. Mishi's fried something with super dark chocolate dipping sauce. [Me]
3. Wei Xian's blahblahblah in the foreground, Mishi making funny faces in the background. [My idea, Wei Xian' shot, 'cos my shot was blur.]
4. Mummy's and my orange and date pudding. We ordered two. One each. It was heavenly but I thought Hyatt's was still the ultimate best. [Me]

Didn't know so many people read my blog. As in. Seriously. I didn't realise. Thought no one bothered. =P
signing off~DE XIN
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