Saturday, 8 May 2004

heya! haha today woke up at 11...headache until went to buy cake for moma's day...then went swimming...put ALOT of suntan lotion...then i swam 9 lap is like double the length of the yeh...then went bedok...went to my aunt's optical shop...moma had her specs repaired then we went to have then was already...2.30? then all the laksa stall closed except for one last store...the laksa was not very nice la but the satay beehoon my moma bought was darn nice...then i drank grass jelly n my moma drank grass jelly mixed with soya bean milk...the uncle damn nice worx...whole day smile smile one hehx...then bought mee pok for daddy...then go popa ate lunch then i went to sleep...woke up at 4.53 still got headache...then went to bathe...then went for tuition...late...i apologized to mr ng then he forgive me larhx...headache so pain didn't feel like doing the paper mr ng gave us...chung cheng paper difficult...2001...mid year i die liao arhx...kk then come home cut cake then i give moma pressie...i know still early but tomorrow no yepx...then after tt moma give me hugx...then eat use comp...aaaaargh head very pain......

myren = coward. he cries over small matters. he ditch gers he also cry.

......yeh babe......

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