Saturday, 11 September 2004

WOAH!!!!! i just realised how nice my hair is!!!!! is either coz i just woke up then i've got a bad hair day and it looks nice tt way or...the auntie really made it nice...aiya heck's not totally nice...y? coz it's not re-highlighted...moma said wait for end of year hols when er gor gor (my second oldest cuzin) gets married then highlight my hair...WEE!!!!!...hee...sorry...i still love my blog...dunno y...haha...seems like jung chao's asleep...but he's not set to be stanley's asleep one else...aaaaargh...set...i play gunbound...POPA CAN YOU STOP FARTING?! coz i dun wanna hear moma nag hee...kk i'm goin bonkas...=P...^^...(",) ==> gor's trademark! but i'm still using it hee...>.<......

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