Monday, 26 May 2008


Was on the webcam with Mummy a few hours back and she was telling me to throw away the water she boiled before she left on Saturday 'cos I haven't boiled any since 'cos I have been out quite often and didn't use any water. Daddy eavesdropped.

"Eh. You later want me to boil water for you not? I boiling water later. I bring over some for you la."


Then we were talking about me not showering before I sleep for the past few nights (because I shower when I wake up and I don't shower before I sleep IF I don't have the time and I'm clean 'cos of the cool weather).

Daddy: "Yesterday night never chong liang (shower in chinese) right?"
Me: "Ya."
Daddy: "Saturday night also right?"
Me: "Hehe, ya."
Daddy: "Tonight use washing machine shower la."


signing off~DE XIN

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