David's birthday dinner (08/04/2008) at Ipoh Garden at Applecross:
Letitia's and Weiping's birthday surprise (13/04/2008) at Shawn's place along Fairway. Their birthdays are on the same day (and same year) on the 14th but 14th was a Monday so we just celebrated a day earlier. Anyways, pictures:
That very same day, later in the night, we moved onto StanB's place for his birthday bbq. His birthday was the day before (12/04/2008) where, after church service, we went Cicerello's at Fremantle for dinner. Pictures of the bbq:
Just when you think that's about enough, we've got MORE. Convocations after convocations. The joyful looks on the graduates, I'd say, is priceless. Here goes.Dimas' convo:
Wei Xian's convo:
Wei Ming's and Angela's convo:
Francis', Charles' and Garry's convos:
Then the study break began. Camp was on Monday (21/04/2008). I only decided to go 3-4 days before lol! Camp was fun. Games were like, crab and cranes, wrapping your leaders up in toilet roll and then protecting them from the water bombs. The girls' dorm was SHIOK AR! Except for the fact that the beds were a bit noisy. After checking in, a few of us went over to some seaside place to get drinks/food.Dinner that night was nasi lemak. After dinner, Pastor Mark Pomeray (Imagine the girls drooling. Yep, so did I. Only 'cos he can cook haha!) preached about controlling our finances. After that session we had a Q&A session for the zone supervisors from all three zones, afterwhich a few of us stayed on at the dining hall to play games. I only played a few rounds and went back to sleep 'cos I was about to fall sick (nose acting funny and all).Next morning. Skipped breakfast (supposedly at 8am), met my group at 9am for devotions, discussed about our skit, went for our second session. Pastor Tek and Goldie preached about BGR. This time about marriage. Was a bit tough for me when we were asked if we wanted to surrender our relationships to God since, you know, I just got out of one. I may have forced myself to move on but it was still tough deciding to give up totally. With God's help, I did it. Short term torture, long term pleasure.Next was Karen talking to us girls about identity. So so true. So so related to the world we're living in. Then was lunch. The noodles. Were. Crap. But the company was great so no complaints.After lunch, during the break, most, if not all, groups went to prepare for their skits. Skit performances started at 2pm. ALL OF THE SKITS WERE TOTALLY HILARIOUS! Not forgetting the chinese opera themed one. =DWas free and easy after the skit performances all the way up till dinner so afew of us went to the BEACH! Water was beautifully clear, sunset was captivating despite the clouds. Did I forget the DOOOOOGS?! Especially one that, on four legs, was as tall as my *ahem* boobs. By that I meant its head. Despite its size, it was super friendly and stood beside me, letting my stroke its extremely short fur. But once I take my camera out, he/she runs back to his/her owner to hide. Haha!Dinner came late and was chicken rice. Thankfully much better thna the noodles haha. After dinner was Pastor Josh Moyo preaching. Don't Miss The Moment. Was pretty emotional for me. It wasn't all that emotional at the start but the emotions just hit me suddenly out of no where. That was when I realise I've been going too fast for God to catch up.After that third session, it was MEGA PRAISE! Only last for an hour and a half but by the end of it my voice felt so strain that talking at my normal volume felt like I was screaming my lungs off. Bad. Lol. Muscles felt like they were gonna fall apart any moment as well =P.Went out to get supper with Jeremy Tan and Wilson and I didn't realise we were supposed to send Disney Kenny home till Jeremy was half-way there. So the whole trip took an hour plus. Lol. Smart, Jeremy. When we got back from Mac's, we played games till like. 4-5am. CRAZY!Next morning getting up was like killing me. Was supposed to be at the dining hall by 9am but i only got there at, what, 9.45am? That's after packing everything up and placing them in the car. Heh. Did our devotions, listened to testimonies, helped a bit (not very much, really) to clear the place, and off we went for our last meal up north at Whitford Shopping Centre's food court!Ok enough said. HERE COMES THE GREAT PICTURES FROM MY 400D!!!!!
Lastly, lunch at Whitford!There are some events I forgot to mention and I'll do it the next time. Haven't done any studying the whole week. That's bad. Lol. School's starting tomorrow. SIAN.
If you go through hardships in life, it's important you overcome them.
signing off~DE XIN
hey the pic of you shaking off the sand isn't from ur 400D!! haha!
Eeeeeh. A few of the pics not from y 400D. But minority la. Hahahaha.
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