-=>ice takes a DEEP breathe in...and out...she waits for the first guy to come...*jack appeared...ice picks up the rose and says, "jack, will you please accept this rose?" jack replies, "i'll be more than happy to!". they both smiled and kissed. jack kneels down and took out a small box. he opens the box and there lays square shaped diamond ring. "ice, will u marry me?", jack proposes. "YES! YES!", ice screamed. jack stood up, kissed ice and they hugged.<=-
meanwhile *bob is being droved around the city in the limo. he does not know he is not chosen. he will be informed when night arrives. back here, jack and ice will be seperated for one month and meet up again on the new year's eve for a count down. this is the end of the bachelorette season 6. next week, we have a special episode: After The Last Rose. Dont miss it!
*names are changed to prevent any misunerstandings