Sunday, 11 October 2009


Last Sunday a few of us in my mother's side of the family met up at Germaine's cafe to celebrate Baby Christine's first birthday.The food.

Someone's busy eating!

Aaah cuteness.

She kept crying when her mother's not in sight!!

Too damn cute, I swear. She was at my place just last night and she kept staring at me. I didn't really wanna play with her 'cos I was all sweaty and smelly and tired so I just entertained her from afar.

This aside. School? As usual except I feel more loved every day :). More often than not you'll find me smiling myself silly while using my phone. I've never been this excited to go to school everyday. LASALLE's awesome enough to start with, it has now gotten even better.

Go figure!

signing off~DE XIN

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