Sunday, 25 October 2009


If you've been wondering why I haven't been blogging, the video below is the reason why.

It's tiring, boring (when we have to wait for hours for certain stuff), frustrating (when people don't cooperate) BUT as a whole it's really fun. Even though we stay in school till around 10pm in the night and come back to school again at around 8.30am in the morning, I can say I somehow still enjoy it 'cos we get to spend so much time with each other. We as in we from across Dance, Music and Theatre.

Please do come down and show us your support. This production is FREE and OPEN to the public 'cos its OUTDOORS but if you really want a seat (instead of jumping around with us), you can always let me know and I'll reserve tickets (which are also FREE) for you.


signing off~DE XIN

Tuesday, 13 October 2009


You ask me why I don't blog about you but actually I do.

Just not here. ;)

signing off~DE XIN

Sunday, 11 October 2009


Last Sunday a few of us in my mother's side of the family met up at Germaine's cafe to celebrate Baby Christine's first birthday.The food.

Someone's busy eating!

Aaah cuteness.

She kept crying when her mother's not in sight!!

Too damn cute, I swear. She was at my place just last night and she kept staring at me. I didn't really wanna play with her 'cos I was all sweaty and smelly and tired so I just entertained her from afar.

This aside. School? As usual except I feel more loved every day :). More often than not you'll find me smiling myself silly while using my phone. I've never been this excited to go to school everyday. LASALLE's awesome enough to start with, it has now gotten even better.

Go figure!

signing off~DE XIN

Saturday, 3 October 2009


SUPER tired :(

Stronger =/

MUCH happier :)

signing off~DE XIN